
duminică, 10 octombrie 2021

costycnc how inkscape create svg in mm

 My page is ... and my id is costycnc ... so ... try on internet costycnc .

I create this page for transform a image to gcode , i modified potrace for transform coordonate to gcode ... practicall all lines that compound svg i transform to gcode ... for example L 10 10 to G01 X10 Y10 (at line 1249)... C 10 10 to G01 X10 X10  (at line 1239)  see here

Inkscape create document svg with height and with in mm ... my old transformed potrace to gcode ... create a gcode in mm but svg in pixels ... so now i try to  produce also the svg file in mm not in pixel.

The dpi of my system is 96 (also the inkscape use 96 dpi ) so the old svg produce 378 for 10 mm ... so I did not understand because this 378  ... but here explain better

Since the convention is that all monitors have 96 pixels per inch, and by definition 1 inch == 25.4 mm, we have that 0.1 mm == 0.1 mm * 96 (px / inch) * (1 inch / 25.4 mm) == 0.378 pixels (approximately).

so at line 155 i put 100/378 for result values in mm ... first was 1 and svg measure result was in pixels...

now need to understand better to finished program!

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