I build here an assembly compiler for atmega328 in javascript https://www.costycnc.it/avr-hex-uploader/
Buid an html document with a textarea box and a js script to read textarea box :
<textarea id="code" cols="50" rows="20"> </textarea>
<button onclick="compile();">Compile</button>
// for verify https://regex101.com/
var regex=/^[\t ]*(?:\.def\s+(\w+),(\w+)|\.org\s+(\d+)|(\w+):)?/;
//this regex if ".def PINB1,1" return [1]="PINB1", [2]="1"
//this regex if ".org 00" return [3]="00"
//this regex if ":abc" return [4]="abc"function compile(){
var input=document.getElementById("code").value;
var lines = input.split('\n');
for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
var match = regex.exec(lines[i]);
console.log("param1:", match[1]);
console.log("param4:", match[4]);